Conner Gray

Upcoming Software Developer

Who Am I?

I was brought up in the small town of Water Valley, Mississippi. Throughout my early education, I did generally well, but I couldn't find that one thing I was passionate about, that thing I wished to follow for my career path.

Enter: Software Development.
Ever since I was shown this field, I've had an insatiable passion for it. Every new program is a problem waiting for me to solve, and I couldn't be happier than I am when I get my keyboard fixed on a new program.
That personal passion and dedication is what I bring to the table wherever I go, and it's one of my proudest personal traits.

Downtown Water Valley

My Skills

Professionally speaking, I am trained in several formal programming languages, including Python, HTML/CSS, Java, and others, courtesy of the Base Camp Coding Academy.

As a student of their Graduate Institute, I am also more capable of working as leader of or component in a successful development team. Thanks to their "leadership teams," I am also comfortable in a variety of nonstandard roles and responsibilities as part of life as a Developer.

On the side of less formal education, I've also spent time studying Java, C++, Ruby, Cobol, Assembly, and many other programming languages: it's a passion for me, and one I enjoy learning about greatly. Beyond programming languages, I also have an understanding of system architecture, assembly, networking, and cyber-security.


My Projects

Throughout my education, I have pursued several personal projects for the purpose of expanding my knowledge, and to establish myself more formally. A short list of some of my favorites include:

Please continue to monitor my portfolio as I continue to update it with further projects and achievements!